Translations:Versickerung und Retention/54/en

Verf = ((Ared x rD(n) x 10-4) – Qdr ) x D x 60 x 10-3
Verf = required storage volume in m³
Ared = connected paved surfaces in m² (5,000 m² in example)
rD(n) = crucial rainfall in L/sha (e.g. KOSTRA-Data Aachen, see Dimensioning of infiltration or retention systems)
Qdr = discharge throttle value in L/s (the arithmetic mean of the throttle curve with non-continuous throttles, see diagram of throttle curves, 21 L/s in the example)
D = Duration in min (in example, 30 min with the fixed throttle and vortex throttle, 20 min with the continuous throttle)
fixed throttle = vortex throttle: Verf = ((5,000 x 104.8 x 10-4) – 21) x 30 x 60 x 10-3 = 56.6 m³
continuous throttle: Verf = ((5,000 x 131.7 x 10-4) – 31) x 20 x 60 x 10-3 = 41.8 m³ (- 26 %)